Teeth Cleaning

Stained and yellow teeth ruin a beautiful smile! 이 난처한 상황을 정기적함으로써 방지 할 수 있습니다 이빨 청소 여기 미소 치과에서.

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( Video : The art and science of your Smile)

Why You Need Teeth Cleaning & Dental Exams ?

To ensure a beautiful healthy smile for life, 이빨 청소는 적어도 하루에 두 번이입니다 "해야"어른과 어린이를위한. Calcium and other substances from the mouth’s saliva continually moisten your teeth that help to keep them strong. 하나, overtime, 이 치석라는 플라크의 건물 업 및 하드 예금에 이르게.

Tartar or plaque cannot be eliminated by mere brushing or flossing and if allowed to accumulate, they become the ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive on teeth and gums. 그것은 치과 의사에 의해 정기적으로 제거해야합니다 그렇지 않으면 그것은 월의 위험이된다 gum diseases and even tooth loss. This is the reason why a six monthly 치과 검진 & clean is recommended.

A 이빨 청소 or ‘scale and polish’ involves removing the plaque and tartar build up on your teeth, and leaving the surfaces of the teeth clean and smooth so that bacteria are unable to stick to them and you have a better chance of keeping the teeth clean during your regular home care.

Smile Dental Offer Free Dental Exam

After completing the procedure, 치과 의사가 당신에게 전체 업데이트를에 제공됩니다 oral health. 그는 / 그녀는 발견되었습니다 수있는 문제를 통해 당신을 데려 갈 당신의 모든 질문에 대답합니다. This is time well spent in Smile Dental and you should take advantage of your dentist’s experience and knowledge to learn more about your teeth.


Teeth cleaning tips

  1. Brush your teeth properly. You can ask your dentist for the proper way.
  2. Flossing your teeth after every meal eliminates the particles of food and dangerous substances that cannot be removed by regular brushing.
  3. Stop smoking as nicotine of the tobacco will stain and yellow your teeth. This stain makes your teeth look old and vary hard to remove.
  4. Limit intake of alcohol, coffee, and soda as they deplete the body’s level of calcium and food dye can make pearly white teeth appear dull and discolored.
  5. Calcium and other vitamins those are good for the body.
  6. You should visit your dentist at least twice a year to have a full hygiene treatment performed.
  7. 이산화 염소를 포함하는 구강 세정제는 입안 위생 조건을 박테리아를 죽이고 유지에 효과적이다. Use mouthwash alongside brushing and flossing.
  8. Make an appointment with your dentist asap if your 이빨이 아픈 있습니다 and painful.
  9. Clean the surface of your tongue daily by utilizing a professional tongue cleaner. This is the best way to remove the multitude of bacteria that are thriving specifically on top of the tongue’s rough surface.

Follow these teeth cleaning tips 정기적으로이 치과 검진 깨끗한 치아를 유지하는, 반짝.

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