Root Canal Therapy

Has your dentist told you that you need root canal treatment? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of teeth are treated and saved each year with root canal treatment. Learn more about root canal treatment and save your smile. Watch our video below to learn more!

충치는 무엇인가?

충치는 입안에 세균이 치아에서 떨어져 먹을 산을 만들 때 발생하는 손상이다. 그것은 치아에 구멍을 초래할 수, 공동라고. 치료하지 않으면, 충치는 통증을 일으킬 수 있습니다, 감염, 치아 손실.

박테리아와 음식은 충치를 일으킬 수 있습니다. 명확한, 플라크라는 끈적 끈적한 물질은 항상 당신의 치아와 잇몸에 형성된다. 플라크는 박테리아가 먹이를 eat.As 음식에 설탕을 먹고 박테리아를 포함, 그들은 산을. 산은 치아에 대한 공격 20 분 또는 식사 후 더. 시간이 지남에, 이 산은 치아 에나멜을 파괴, 원인이 충치.


What is a Root Canal?

The space inside the tooth from the center, (known as the pulp chamber) that travels down the length of the root to the tip (or apex) is called a “canal,” or more specifically, a root canal.

A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form.

Common reasons for Root Canal therapy

The tiny canals contain the pulp of the tooth also commonly referred to as the nerve, which originates from the pulp chamber. Any trauma or infection of the nerve will result in the need for root canal therapy. Common reasons for root canal therapy include:

  • Bacteria from the decayed tooth invades the pulp by penetrating through the tooth.
  • Trauma, such as a chipped or broken tooth, occurs and results in the exposure of the nerve.
  • A tooth has become abscessed — also known as infected — from decay.
  • A tooth is slowly dying, due to aging or previous trauma that did not result in the need for treatment at the time of injury.

Advantages of root canal treatment

There are many types of advantages of using root canal treatment.

  • Normal chewing without pain
  • Control of sensation and biting in teeth
  • Appearance becomes normal and natural
  • Health of other teeth in mouth is not adversely affected

If a teeth is infected and root canal treatment is needed then it is important to take immediate steps to make sure that the infection could be eliminated on time. Delays in treatment for root canal cases could lead to spreading of infection to other teeth and the person has to suffer from a lot of pain and loss of many teeth.

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How Much Does A Root Canal Cost?

    • The average cost of root canal treatment varies according to the complexity of your case.
    • Re-treatment may cost more than first-time treatment. Molar back teeth with multiple internal root canals may cost more than single-canal front teeth.
    • Two treatments are never the same; cases can vary from fairly simple to extremely complex, depending on calcification of canals, curvature of canals, canal obstructions and access difficulties, and root canal microsurgery, to name but a few.

* Costs can therefore vary accordingly, but they should be quoted within a price range by the treating practitioner before the start of treatment.

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