Dental Crowns – Smile Dental Henderson – 박사. Melissa Inger


The patient had large fillings on her front teeth that kept breaking, requiring replacement fillings every 1-3 years. The problem was that the patient was missing several back teeth (required for effective chewing). The front teeth were being over used during chewing instead to compensate. The large amounts of force and the large fillings on these front teeth meant they broke easily. The costs for replacing these fillings yearly was quickly adding up.


To protect and strengthen these front teeth we chose to place crowns (white caps) on the four front teeth. The process involves trimming the teeth, taking impressions to send to the laboratory, and making temporary crowns for the patient to wear while the crowns were being made. Once made the crowns are checked for their fit and cemented into place. In this case not only were we able to strengthen and protect the teeth but were also able to reshape the teeth to a more natural look and close the gaps.

How long it took:

The process took two appointments 1.5 weeks apart.

Patient feedback:

“내 이빨이 파괴되었다 이유를 처음으로 내가 설명하고, 대신에 치료 계획 후 지금은 영구적으로 나의 미소를 얻을 것이다. Thank you.”

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