拔智慧齒 在你的口腔後部第三套磨牙. 他們通常是在年齡介於 17 和 25. 大多數人有四顆智齒, 兩個上部和兩個在下顎.

What You Need To Know About Wisdom Teeth Pain

Wisdom teeth often grow in crooked, sideways, or otherwise misaligned. As they grow in, they can push on other teeth, causing problems of overcrowding and misalignment for them as well.

As the wisdom teeth come in, they can be very painful. You’ll feel wisdom teeth pain at the back of your mouth, behind your molars. If you look into a mirror, you may even notice that your wisdom teeth have begun to poke through your gums. The area might also be red, inflamed and tender to the touch. Some people, however, don’t have any visible symptoms of wisdom teeth pain.

當智齒阻生成為 …

Teeth_Extraction奧克蘭這是不尋常的智齒成為受影響. An 智齒牙 是已沒有通過膠成長為口腔或已經成長只有一部分的方式,通過, 和處於異常位置. 這是一個不健康的情況和牙齒應該刪除,以防止侵蝕問題, 囊腫, 感染或擁擠.

如果您的牙醫說,現在是時候 刪除您的智齒. 他可能是指你的口腔外科醫生, 誰做在他的診所的程序. 它應該只需要幾天的時間,你癒合,感覺恢復正常.


智齒拔除成本 取決於你的個人情況. 使用諸如麻醉因素和提取的性質可以對程序的總價格產生影響.
