( 視頻: Cosmetic Veneers – What are teeth veneers ? )


瓷牙貼面術 are thin sheets of porcelain or composite resin which are permanently cemented to the front teeth. 這可以極大地提升你牙齒的美觀度,不管它們是損傷, 碎裂, 畸形, 不正, 玷污,或是脫色. 同時,這種療法也可以用於牙齒縫隙過大的情況. 化妝品Ťooth貼面 take up very little space thus only a small amount of tooth is removed to allow room for them.



  • 外觀媲美真牙.
  • 牙齦組織對瓷製材料的可耐性高.
  • 瓷貼面抗污性好.
  • 瓷鐵面的顏色是可選的,這使得可以讓深色的牙變得亮白.
  • 牙貼面為改變牙齒顏色和形狀,提供一個保守的治療方法; 牙貼面不需要對牙齒進行大量的打磨塑形, 卻能提供一個更堅硬, 更美觀的替代品.

How long do tooth veneers last?

如果來訪者可以有很好的牙齒護理,並且定期去看牙醫, they should expect the porcelain 亞貼面 to last for approximately 6 – 12 年。

How much do veneers cost ?

Like most dental procedures, asking “how much do veneers cost” is like asking “how long is a piece of string?“ - 答案是從來沒有一個簡單的,因為有很多的變量參與, and one patient is totally different from the next.

Taking this into consideration, the cost for dental veneers varies depending on several factors, which we have outlined as below:

  • Type of veneer
  • Issue Being Addressed
  • Your dentists Skill & Experience